Corporate Governance Statement

The Board guides and monitors the business and affairs of the Company on behalf of the Shareholders to whom it is accountable and is responsible for corporate governance matters. While certain key matters are reserved for the Board, it has delegated responsibilities for the day-to-day operational, corporate, financial and administrative activities to the Business Development Director, the Executive Chairman and the Finance Director.


In assessing the composition of the Board, the Directors have had regard to the following principles:

  • the role of the Executive Chairman and the other directors should not be exercised by the same person;
  • the Board should include at least one independent non-executive director, increasing where additional expertise is considered desirable in certain areas, or to ensure a smooth transition between outgoing and incoming non-executive directors; and
  • the Board should comprise of directors with an appropriate range of qualifications and expertise.

The Company believes it complies with each of these principles.


Both James Cunningham-Davis and Kjeld Thygesen are the Non-Executive Directors of the Company. James Cunningham-Davis is one of the directors of Cavendish Secretaries Limited, a subsidiary of Cavendish Trust Company Limited, which provides secretarial services to the Company in the Isle of Man and is therefore for these purposes not considered independent.


Kjeld Thygesen has a holding of Ordinary Shares representing 0.14 per cent. of the Enlarged Share Capital on Admission but he is considered independent given this holding is de minimis.


Directors appointed by the Board are subject to election by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting of the Company following their appointment and thereafter are subject to re-election in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association.


The QCA Corporate Governance Code, as published by the Quoted Companies Alliance, is tailored for small and mid-size quoted companies in the United Kingdom. The Company will, to the extent practicable for a company of its size and nature, follow the QCA Corporate Governance Code. The Directors are aware that there are currently certain provisions of the QCA Corporate Governance Code that the Company is not in compliance with, given the size and early stage nature of the Company. These include, inter alia:

  • The Company does not currently have a remuneration, nomination or risk committee. The Board as a whole will review remuneration, nomination and risk matters, on the basis of adopted terms of reference governing the matters to be reviewed and the frequency with which such matters are considered. The Board as a whole will also take responsibility for the appointment of auditors and payment of their audit fee, monitor and review the integrity of the Company’s financial statements and take responsibility for any formal announcements on the Company’s financial performance
  • Unless further independent non-executive directors are appointed, the Board will not comply with the provision of the QCA Corporate Governance Code that at least to members of the Board, excluding the Chairman, should comprise non-executive directors determined by the Board to be independent
  • The Executive Chairman of the Company is an executive director rather than an independent non-executive director as suggested by the QCA corporate governance code.

Share Dealing Code

The Company has adopted, with effect from Admission, a share dealing policy regulating trading and confidentiality of inside information for the Directors and other persons discharging managerial responsibilities (and their persons closely associated) which contains provisions appropriate for a company whose shares are admitted to trading on the Official List (particularly relating to dealing during closed periods which will be in line with the Market Abuse Regulation). The Company will take all reasonable steps to ensure compliance by the Directors and any relevant employees with the terms of that share dealing policy.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee is chaired by James Cunningham-Davis and its other member is Christian Cordier. The Audit Committee meets at least twice a year, or more frequently if required. The Audit Committee is be responsible, amongst other things, for making recommendations to the Board on the appointment of auditors and the audit fee, monitoring and reviewing the integrity of the Company’s financial statements and any formal announcements on the Company’s financial performance as well as reports from the Company’s auditors on those financial statements.


In addition, the Audit Committee considers and reviews the Company’s internal financial control and risk management systems to assist the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities relating to the effectiveness of those systems, including an evaluation of the capabilities of such systems in light of the expected requirements for any specific acquisition target.

Diversity Policy

The Board operates a policy whereby Directors and other individuals considered for employment and professional services across the Group are selected on the basis of their experience, professional qualifications and ability and a such the Company does not discriminate on aspects such as age, gender or educational and professional background. The Company’s employees comprising of the 5 Board Directors are all male.

Internal control

The Board is responsible for establishing and maintaining the Group’s system of internal control. Internal control systems manage rather than eliminate the risks to which the Group  is exposed and such systems, by their nature, can provide reasonable but not absolute assurance against misstatement or loss.


There is a continuous process for identifying, evaluating and managing the significant risks faced by the Group. The key procedures which the Directors have established with a view to providing effective internal control, are as follows:

  • Identification and control of business risks The Board identifies the major business risks faced by the Group and determines the appropriate course of action to manage those risks
  • Budgets and business plans Each year the Board approves the business plan and annual budget. Performance is monitored and relevant action taken throughout the year through the regular reporting to the Board of changes to the business forecasts
  • Investment appraisal Capital expenditure is controlled by budgetary process and authorisation levels. For expenditure beyond specified levels, detailed written proposals must be submitted to the Board. Appropriate due diligence work is carried out if a business or asset is to be acquired.

Environment, health, safety and community statement

The Group is committed to providing a safe working environment for all its employees and to responsibly manage all of the environmental interactions of its business. Its objective is to perform and achieve at a level notably in excess of the regulatory minima required by the host countries in which it does business.


The following specific principles are adhered to by the Group:


Health & Safety
• Provision of health and safety training to all employees;
• All necessary measures are taken to minimise workplace injuries, and
• Establishment of management and advisory programmes for the prevention of transmissible diseases.


The Group prides itself on being a skilled and responsible operator. It functions with the clear mandate of being in full compliance with corporate standards, applicable environmental laws, regulations and permit requirements. It has an internal monitoring programme in place that plays a critical role in continuously improving its environmental performance.


The Group strives to minimise its environmental effects wherever and to:

•    Comply with applicable laws, regulations and commitments wherever it operates;
•    Ensure it has the necessary resources, procedures, training programmes and responsibilities in place to achieve its environmental objectives;
•    Strive to protect air and water quality, minimise consumption of water and energy, and protect natural habitats and biodiversity;
•    Promote an ongoing environmental dialogue with its stakeholders in the communities where it conducts business;
•    Collaborate with stakeholders to define environmental priorities and to protect the environment, and
•    Consider the requirement for environmental protection in all aspects of exploration and development.


As well as recognising the need to protect the natural environment the Group will follow Best Practices in:
• its interactions with local communities,
• respecting customs and cultural practices, and • minimising intrusion upon lifestyles and traditions.


The Group will not violate human rights and will, wherever possible, favour employment for local people when it recruits. It will strive to be recognised as a socially aware and responsible business.


30 June 2022